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SOS AERZTE has been at your service for over 20 years

SOS AERZTE advises and attends to 20,000 patients every year. Its health care services are provided by a staff of 70 employees, 35 of which are doctors. A model that has proven successful since 1996.


SOS AERZTE focuses on three core pillars: a mobile pool of medical specialists, expert telephone advisory services as well as training and education. All our services are managed from the SOS AERZTE operations centre. Here, medical cases are analysed and the corresponding response services coordinated.

Our mobile team is affiliated with the Swiss Medical Association and is equipped to deal with general medical emergencies. Our doctors are available individually to supplement medical teams, to give telephone medical advice and to provide special consultation.

SOS AERZTE also serves as a training centre, offering programmes for students of Medicine, resident doctors and specialists.


The past few decades have seen clinics and other medical facilities increasingly move into urban areas – a shift that has also led to declining numbers of general practitioners. Rural areas have been hit particularly hard, with fewer and fewer doctors available to patients in these regions. The question arose: How to provide people in rural areas with 24-hour care?

In 1996, in response to the circumstances, a group of doctors founded an independent company in Zurich. SOS AERZTE was based on a health care model that had already proven effective in France, and initially established itself in Geneva. Since its foundation, SOS AERZTE has kept pace with technological advancements and become a pioneer within the field of mobile outpatient care services.

A reliable partner

SOS AERZTE officially partners with the Zurich Physicians’ Association (AGZ), thus relieving the burden on Zurich’s emergency medical services.

SOS AERZTE can be commissioned to make individual house calls, to offer consultation in companies or organisations, and to assume the work of Zurich’s emergency medical services.

Top-quality services based on a proven model

The success of our model is based on continual availability, an experienced team of specialists and wide-ranging medical expertise – serving the entire canton of Zurich.

Doctors working for us have cutting-edge technology, an extensive range of medical equipment and a tracked vehicle fleet at their disposal. Furthermore, because all administrative tasks are assumed by our office staff, they can focus exclusively on providing medical care.

We have long been committed to training young up-and-coming medical professionals, often collaborating with large Zurich clinics and the Zurich Physicians’ Association (AGZ) in this respect.

SOS AERZTE is financially independent.

Working for SOS AERZTE

Would you like to work for us? As a doctor, a psychiatrist or a member of our operations centre or back office teams?



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